First of all I have to get a fresh egg. Next I have to get a pan and put some clean water into it and put it on the fire to make it boil. Next I must see that the water is boiling and then I must place the egg care fully in the pan. I leave the egg in three and a half minutes. Then I take the egg from the pan and it is ready to eat.
First of all I look at the shoes to see if there is any mud on them. If there is any mud on them I scrape it off with an old knife. Next I put the polish on to the shoe and put it on one side and then do the other the same. Then I polish both shoes with the polishing brush then I take a duster and polish them very hard which makes them look very brilliant.
The days of September are very nice when the sun is shining and it is not too hot. The the we don’t like is that the nights are drawing in. Still, there are many nice fays left and we must make the best of them. There are many nice things because the gardeners are collecting the fruits and if we happen to pass we might get a few plums or apples. The swallows are flying away to there winter home. The farmers are collecting the corn and wheet for storing for the winter. September nights are just as nice as the days becase some-times you see a full moon which is called the Harvest moon. On Harvest Sunday you take fruit to church.