The children were walking home from school. An empty cart caught up with them. The children dangled from the cart. One boy, Tonček, slipped and fell under the cart. For the next few weeks, the poor boy contemplated the well-known proverb, “One who does not obey the parents’ word will be taught by the world”.
Otroci so šli iz šole domov. Dohitel jih je prazen voz. Otroci so se obešali na voz. Nekemu Tončku je spodrsnilo ter je padel pod voz. Ubožec je več tednov premišljeval znani pregovor. Kdor ne uboga, ga tepe nadloga.
Anka was a daughter of a poor widow. Her dress was old and clean. One day she came to the store. Evica’s mother was at the store, and she told her daughter, “Look, she has an old and clean dress”. Evica’s mother bought Anka a new dress. Anka thanked her very nicely and ran back home.
Anka je bila hčerka siromašne vdove. Obleko je imela staro in čisto. Nekega dne pride v trgovino. V trgovini je bila Evičina mati in je rekla svoji hčerki poglej ta ima staro in čisto obleko. Evičina mati je kupila Anki novo obleko. Anka se je lepo zahvalila ter je vsa vesela stekla domov.
Our parish church stands in the middle of the village. It is quite large, and the belfry is quite high. The main door is under the belfry. The church has 2 benches and 5 altars. The big altar is made of marble, and those on the sides are wooden. It has the Way of the Cross. There aren’t many pictures. The main altar has St. Peter on it. The church is dedicated to him. The church is pretty old.
Naša farna cerkev stoji sredi vasi. Je precej velika zvonik je precej visok. Pod zvonikom so glavna vrata ima 2 vrste klopi ima 5 oltarjev velik oltar je iz marmorja stranski so pa leseni. Ima križev pot slik ima malo v glavnem oltarju je sv. Peter, ki je njemu posvečena vsa cerkev. Cerkev je že precej stara.
Soča is our tear, Istra is our disease, but we are pilgrims without home, without goals, without roads. Gorica is our health, Vinica is our place. In Trieste, in the sea, our breath is dying. What is life without health? What is life without faith in paradise? How do we travel the world without the sea? Give us all this back.
Soča je naša solza, Ista je naša bolest, a mi smo romarji brez doma, brez ciljev, brez cest. Gorica je naše zdravje, Vinica je naš kraj, pri Trstu v našem morju umira naš vzdihljal. Kaj bi v življenju brez zdravja? In kaj bi brez vere v raj? Kako bi po svetu brez morja, dajte nam vse to nazaj.
Once there was a hard worker. He gave every penny to his family and had a daughter and a son. They were a happy family. They had a big, spacious home. He never hung out with a bad crowd. One day a man talked to him. He convinced him to start visiting the pubs. In the beginning he went very rarely. His friend, however, urged and convinced him to do it even more. He got used to alcohol in one year. He kept forgetting dinner and stayed out late into the night. One winter he was so drunk that he passed out on the road. Some unknown men brought the father home; he was unconscious. A few weeks later, the family moved to a poor basement. The disease came into their home. The doctor was always coming and going. One day he said, “He, too, was killed by the greatest enemy of mankind—alcohol”.
Nekoč je živel priden delavec. Vsako paro je dal za svojo družino in imel je hčerko in sina. Imeli so zadovoljstvo v svoji družini. Imeli so veliko zračno stanovanje. Nikdar ni zahajal k slabi druščini. Nekoč ga je dobil neki človek in ga nagovorii. Začel ga je zapeljavati, da je hodil v gostilne. V začetku je šel zelo po redko. Tovarš pa ga je vedno bolj silil in prigovarjal. Minilo je leto, ko se je privadil alkoholne pijače. Pozabljal je večerjo posedal je pozno v noč. Neko zimo je bilo tako pijan, da je obležal na cesti. Prinesli so neznani možje očeta nezavestnega. Pred tedni se je družina preselila v slabo klet. Bolezen je stopila v hišo. Zdravnik je prihajal in odhajal. Nekega dne pa reče tudi njega je ubil največji sovražnik človeštva – alkohol.