Date [1952-1953]
Country Argentina
City Unquillo
Province Colón
Region/State Córdoba
Grade [1 inferior]
Sex of author F
Fernandito while praying

Look at this kid. He’s good and nice. After getting ready, he greeted his parents. Now he prays. He kneels before the statue of the Virgin. He puts his hands together. He asks Jesus to allow him to remain good, to bless his parents, grandparents, brothers and teachers. This child is called Fernandito. He is an excellent student; his teachers and his classmates admire him very much.

Fernandito rezando

Mira a es niño. Es bueno y simpático. Despues de asearse, ha saludado a sus papás. Ahora reza. Se arrodilla delante de la estatua de la Virgen. Junta las manos. Pide a Jesus que le conserve bueno, que bendiga a sus padres, abuelos, hermanitos y maestros. Ese niño se llama Fernandito. Es un excelente alumno. Sus maestros y condiscipulos le aprecian mucho.

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