The village of Struževo lies in a friendly valley. Our village has 51 houses. We have 2 shops and an inn. A railroad and the Sava River run through the village. In Struževo there is a contraption for sledding and swimming. The village has 9 farmers; others go to the factories. Šmarjetna rises on the other side of the Sava River. We have electric light fixtures. We have a beautiful and great chapel of the crying mother of God. We have an industry where they make goods and also a shooting range.
Vas Struževo leži v prijazni dolinici. Naša vas ima 51 hiš, imamo 2 trgovini in gostilno. Skozi vas pelje vlak mimo Struževega teče Sava. V Stuževu je priprava za sankati in kopati. Vas ima 9 kmetov drugi pa hodijo v tovarne. Onstran Save se dviga Šmaretna. Imamo električno razsvetljavo. Imamo lepo in veliko kapelo Žalostne matere božje. Imamo industrijo, kjer delajo blago. Ter Kranjsko strelišče.
One day, a fisherman’s five-year-old daughter goes to the water. A goldfish comes in front of the girl. The girl steps in the water to go after her. The fish swims away. The waves take the girl to a large rock in the middle of the river. There she disappears under the water. The fisherman sits on the beach. Down the river comes a boat in which his daughter is sitting. The fisherman goes fishing. The net starts to shake. Then he sees a goldfish. At that very moment, a giant water man swims by, and he says to the fisherman, “Please give me back the goldfish that illuminates my rooms. Then I will return your daughter”. The happy fisherman quickly rows towards the shore to tell his wife what happened. Before sunset, they row towards the rock. His wife takes the paddle and hits it against the rock. The water moves away and swallows the boat, the fisherman, and the woman. They did not follow the water man’s command.
Nekega dne pride k vodi ribičeva petletna hčerka. Kar priplava pred deklico zlata riba. Deklica stopi za njo v vodo riba se odmika. Valovi odnesejo deklico k veliki skali sredi reke. Tam izgine pod vodo.
Ribič je sedel na bregu, kar priplava po sredini lepo čoln v njem je sedela njegova hčerka. Ribič je šel lovit ribe. Kar se začne mreža močno tresti. Potem zagleda zlato ribo. V tem hipu priplava velikanski povodni mož. Ter ga prosi: »Prosim te vrni mi zlato ribo, ki mi razsvetljuje prostore. Potem ti vrnem hčerko. Ribič vesel hitro vesla prosti bregu, da pove ženi, kar se je zgodilo. Predno je zahajalo sonce že sta veslala h skali. Žena mu vzame veslo in razbija po skali. Voda se je razmaknila in je požrla čoln, ribiča in ženo. Ker nista ravnala po ukazu povodnega moža.