A day at the fête des Loges [a fair held in Saint-Germain-en-Laye since 1652]

France, June 19, 1973

During the summer holidays, my brother asked me:
“What if we went to the fête des Loges?”
I accepted with pleasure.
No sooner said than done.
Upon arrival, we started at the house of mirrors. We got lost in the maze, we could not find the exit anymore and we were constantly banging against the mirrors. Later we sat on the airplanes, having fun making them go up and down. Later we went to the shooting stand: with a shotgun, we had to hit the target to win a piece of nougat. We crossed the fair stopping at different points.
On the way back, we passed by the forest where we saw a pond near which frogs jumped and tritons rested, and so on.
We came back at seven, just in time for dinner. Then I went to sleep thinking about the beautiful day I had spent.

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